
Friday, June 29, 2012

Touched Down In The Land Of The....

...Well it certainly isn't the Delta Blues....I'll have to find a Korean word that rhymes so I can improv my Karaoke seshes that are bound to come.

So this is it. I've landed. Foreign Soil. Alone.

Seriously, everything feels more lonesome when it alone. We were on the plane and the food cart came by (I was only comes by every 4 hours-ish.) and suddenly, next thing I know, it skipped me. I think in that moment I truly understood what loneliness feels like. It feels a lot like hunger. I panicked, but managed to get the only American stewardess (with an annoying voice like a 13-year-old) to help me out.

I am so far outside of my comfort zone. lol. I was expecting Korea to be a lot like Japan and that is not the case at all. Seoul is more like an Asian New York City than a Tokyo from what I can tell so far. People just kind of bum-rush escalators and shove through lines and I just get caught up in a whirlwind of bewilderment. I've had like 30 people come up to me asking me if I need a Taxi, but on the positive side, they were all willing to give me directions to the bus stop instead of insisting I take their cab.

I tried asking some girls to help me make a phone call and they just gave me a weird look and were like "" (or whatever the Korean version of that is.) And I REALLY needed to find a phone to call my director so she would know when to pick me up from the bus station.

I'm having difficulty getting in touch with my director and I have to relay everything though my recruiter, which makes me wonder how our first meeting will go in 6 hours when we speak to each other for the first time. Don't really know what to expect, but it's not off to a super confidence-boosting start. Especially as I'm dragging this luggage everywhere trying to orient myself.

I think I overpacked...and now I'm paying for it. I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to take 4 bags onto a bus by myself, but I'm sure I'll look like an idiot trying.
I really need to shower. 2 hour trip to detroit + 13 hour trip to Seoul + 6 hour bus ride = I need a fucking shower SO badly.

Now the question is what to do this weekend before I start working. I should obviously get acclimated to my surroundings, but it would be nice to have a friendly (English-speaking) face around to sooth my anxieties. Maybe I'll try getting on a bus to Busan to visit Lais. I could really use the familiarity right about now. Or I can PS3. That's a nice dose of familiarity.

But what I REALLY a phone.


  1. Correction on one of your sentences:

    "Especially as I'm dragging this luggage everywhere trying to Orient myself (pun intended)."

    1. I see what you did there. You are a fount of wit, sir.

  2. This is amazing. I can't wait to hear about your S. Korean adventures! Please post lots of photos of your new world!

    1. I'm going to post about my overnight stay in a very distrubingly sexy motel with pictures as oon as I get into my apartment and get set up(hopefully).
      I'm using the motel's computer in my room (which is awesome) but they have no wifi for me to upload the pics from my phone (not awesome).
