
Monday, June 25, 2012

Packing for a Year...Korea, Here I come!

In 56 hours, I will be onboard a plane to Changwon, South Korea to go teach English for a year. I am so nervous/excited/absolutely terrified, I just want to be on the plane right now so I stop hyperventilating.

As you're packing you begin to think about the little things that you take for granted and really make or break your survival. Like: Should I bring a palette of razorblades? Do I need to bring towels? Am I allowed to bring my video game collection? Trust me...that last one is a big one for me since I blog about videogames for and probably would die without them (I have a condition).

Luckily, thanks to sites like I learned that towels and bedsheets are worth more than gold and Koreans don't wear deodorant. So we're packing plenty of all that good stuff.

I also fucking love clothes and books, so it was really painful to have to choose what to take. I never thought I could condense my life into 2 suitcases (and my carry-ons), but with some help from my master-packing stepmom, I was able to make it happen. I'm pretty sure once I open those suitcases, I'll never be able to get everything back, but we'll cross that bridge in a year.

This blog is more for me than for you (because my memory is terrible), but by all means feel free to follow along. Hopefully, once I safely touch down, I'll be able to give regular updates about life over in Korea and what it's like to be an American in a foreign country they have absolutely no knowledge of.

Will I be able to make it through TSA AND Customs with my PS3? Will I successfully bridge the language barrier with my students? Will I be able to live without a dryer in my apartment and get used to having a toilet in my shower? Stay tuned. It can only get wilder from here, folks.


  1. Yay! Stop fretting, you'll be fine. Its going to be a fun adventure. Don't forget some books to read on the plane and while you're there. Idk if they sell books in English? I'm excited to follow along with your blog. =]

    Be safe, have fun, relax. Love ya kid!

  2. Actually, towels are easy to find. E-mart and Homeplus both sell nice big fluffy ones. Sheets though, in the Western style, are difficult.

    Also, depending on your razor blade you should be fine. They also do sell some deodorant here, just very, very few brands.
